Senior FAQs

We have senior members at all abilities with different targets, from first-time triathletes to international competitors.

Our coaches are qualified to help you to develop whatever your goals. We can help you develop in swimming, running and cycling as well as transitions.

Our two-week trial is not a trial of ability; it is designed to allow you to meet coaches and other Thames Turbo athletes, to try out all the sessions and to make sure the club is right for you before you join.

What are the minimum requirements and responsibilities?

When you enquire about membership you will be given a suggested date to attend a swim trial at Hampton Pool.

The only requirement to join is that you can competently swim 100m. This is not a speed test.

What equipment do I need?

To participate in triathlon and all our sessions you will require a bike and helmet, a pair of trainers, swimwear and goggles.

Can you tell me more about the Sunday social bike rides?

We aim to have at least one senior group: a 24-26kph non-drop “Steady” group (speed based on the flat).

Where numbers allow a “Speedy” group at 27-29kph over 60-90km and/or “Long” group heading for 90km+ rides may go out.

We ask that you join the “Steady” group the first time you come out unless you are confident you will keep up with the “Speedy” group.

The route(s) will vary each week, we'll aim to publish on social channels in the days prior so you can download to your Garmin/phone beforehand.

Helmets, cycling clothing and clip in shoes are compulsory. Every rider must be self sufficient. Bring your own food, water, puncture repair kit, tools and navigation.

No TT bikes, fixed gear/single speeds are permitted for both safety and riding reasons.

Respect yourself and those around you and obey the laws of the road.

What are the Zoom cycling sessions like?

Sessions are held on Zwift as a Group Ride where everybody stays together regardless of speed and follows the same in game interval set. A coach will lead the session to give tips, encouragement and instructions based on Heart Rate, Cadence and Perceived Effort for those not on Zwift.

You will need a turbo to take part.

Do I have to enter races?

No, but we believe that improving means measuring your performance, with racing being an excellent way to do this. And racing is part of the fun!

Where can I buy Thames Turbo race kit and merch?

Tri suits, cycling shorts, cycling jerseys, running vests and more can be bought from the Thames Turbo section of Saddle Drunk. Click here and enter the password “Hampton” when prompted.

If you have any questions please contact us